Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sunny Days pt.2

ALRIGHT Y'ALL, eat up! I've reached a new height in my career as a lonesome wandering soul and have established a new routine that promotes getting dressed up, exercise, mind cleansing, and most importantly a final testimony to the allegations that deemed my gr.8th self a "goth." Lol, I make myself laugh. 

Vhy yes, that is a cemetery under the condo-defined North York skyline. The dandelions, smoothly paved road, hills of grass, and sunset make up for the common eeriness of and cemetery, which i pronounce as [sem-meh-tree] because I say so. Be it silly sit downs with a friend, frozen pond crossing with the same friend, or even almost being locked inside past sunset while trying to bike home after a booze run- the York Cemetery has been nothing but good memories for me upon each visit. On this particular Sunday, I propped myself on a hill, looked out into the distance of scenery and wrote down every thought that's been clouding me up.

Funny things about my bike seat:
1) Product casing said "120 DAY COMFORT GUARANTEE"
2) So I used to take the Blue Night to North York and then bike home after going out, and one night someone stole my bike seat! I had to walk alongside my bike, slightly impaired, in heels...and got home at 5am.

Unsatisfied with the unemployed lifestyle and my lack of closet space, I had to resort to selling my clothes via Facebook , which has surprisingly been a successful little business. I've also been collecting supplies to create more "gypsy halos" and chain harnesses. Here is me sporting my liddo creation which I dubbed the, "Don Sphynx Gypsy Halo."

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